Blog - Don't Be The Richest Person In The Graveyard

2 Feb


Don't Be The Richest Person In The Graveyard

Every individual possesses a creative spark, generating ideas with untapped potential. From personal computers to mobile devices, from apps to robots and driverless cars, countless innovations originated from ordinary people with extraordinary ideas.

The key difference? Action.

Successful implementation of ideas, fueled by dedication, has transformed lives and shaped our world. Yet, despite the potential to improve lives and revolutionize industries, many ideas remain unrealized.

Why do so many ideas languish unfulfilled? Fear often holds us back, the fear of failure, ridicule, or being labeled as foolish. In today's world, startups dominate conversations, driven by a new generation unafraid to take risks.

This generation embraces failure as a stepping stone to success, unshackled by fear or shame. Yet, amidst this culture of innovation, countless individuals remain trapped in the cycle of "someday I'll."

They procrastinate, content with the notion of someday pursuing their dreams, only to watch as others seize the opportunities they let slip away.

Picasso famously said, "Good artists copy, great artists steal." Every idea you have is a potential masterpiece waiting to be realized. Don't hesitate to act on it, even if it's already been done before. Your unique perspective and approach could be the missing piece of the puzzle.

Ideas are fleeting; they visit briefly before moving on. If you fail to act, they will find another vessel to inhabit, leaving you with nothing but regret.

Think about all the unwritten books, unsung songs, unfulfilled dreams, and unrealized inventions that are buried with their creators. Imagine the wealth of knowledge and wisdom that could have been shared with the world, if only they had taken that first step.

Unwritten Books: Many individuals pass away with stories, knowledge, and wisdom that they intended to share but never got the chance to. These unwritten books represent an immeasurable loss of culture, history, and understanding.

Unsung Songs: How many musicians and composers have left this world with melodies and harmonies that could have changed the music landscape forever? Each song that remains unsung is a lost treasure.

Un-invented Inventions: Think of the countless inventors who died with ideas that could have revolutionized technology, medicine, or everyday life. Their uncreated inventions represent a loss of potential progress.

Unspoken Solutions: Every person has a unique perspective and the ability to contribute solutions to global issues. The cemetery holds answers to problems that will never be solved because the individuals who had them never had the chance to share their thoughts.

Don't wait for the perfect moment or the ideal circumstances. Take action now, before it's too late. Steve Jobs understood the fleeting nature of life, famously remarking, "Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me." He seized every opportunity, refusing to let his ideas die with him.

Reflecting on my own journey, I've learned the importance of seizing opportunities and embracing failure as a catalyst for growth. My agency initially prioritized client projects, leaving little time for internal initiatives. Despite numerous setbacks, each failure fueled my determination to forge ahead.

By shifting my perspective and treating internal projects with equal importance, my agency experienced a transformation, paving the way for new opportunities and growth. Today, we stand on the cusp of launching several new ventures, a testament to the power of perseverance and a willingness to embrace failure.

Don't let your ideas languish in obscurity. Seize the moment, take action, and watch as your dreams become reality.

The Lesson:

1.Live Fully and Share Your Gifts

Understanding that the richest place in the world is the cemetery should inspire us to live fully and share our gifts while we have the chance. Here are some ways to ensure we don't take our potential to the grave:

2.Pursue Your Passions: Don't let fear or doubt hold you back from chasing your dreams. Whether it's writing, composing, inventing, or any other passion, pursue it wholeheartedly.

3.Share Your Knowledge: Don't keep your wisdom to yourself. Share it with others through teaching, writing, speaking, or mentoring.

4.Act on Your Ideas: If you have a groundbreaking idea, work on it. Don't let it remain just a thought. Take steps to bring it to life.

5.Solve Problems: Use your unique perspective to contribute to solving the world's problems. Speak up and share your solutions.

So, don't be the richest person in the graveyard. Take action today, and make your mark on the world while you still can. Remember, tomorrow is not guaranteed. The ideas you have today could be tomorrow's billion-dollar innovations. Don't let them go to waste—bring them to life, and watch as your dreams become reality.


In conclusion, don't allow fear or procrastination to stifle your creativity. Embrace your ideas, pursue them relentlessly, and refuse to let them fade into obscurity.

If you find yourself grappling with the implementation of an idea, don't hesitate to reach out. While I may not be a venture capitalist, I am an innovator who understands the power of bringing ideas to life.

If you ever find yourself in need of guidance or support on your entrepreneurial journey, don't hesitate to reach out. Together, we can turn your ideas into reality and ensure that they don't become just another forgotten dream buried in the graveyard of missed opportunities.

Should you wish to connect, please drop me an email at Let's turn your ideas into reality together.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. If it resonated with you, please share it with others who may benefit from its message. And remember, the world is full of untapped potential—don't let yours go to waste.


AI. Creativity. Leadership. Business, Agency, Coaching.

Deepak Dhiman is a passionate creativity and leadership coach with over 18 years of experience running a successful creative agency in Dubai. Having assisted hundreds of clients in elevating their brands and generating over 10,000 innovative ideas, he is now eager to share his invaluable secrets and insights with a broader audience.


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