Blog - Every Mind Is Like A Rubber Band

2 Feb



Every mind is akin to a rubber band—some leave it untouched, while others stretch it to its limits. In this journey of self-discovery and innovation, let's embark on an 8-step approach to expand our creative horizons and unleash the full potential of our minds.

Dismissing the Myth of Non-Creativity:

Many of us believe we lack creativity or fear failure, while some simply resign themselves to the notion that creativity is not their forte. However, the truth is far simpler: every individual possesses a spark of creativity waiting to be ignited. The challenge lies not in the absence of creativity but in our reluctance to stretch the rubber band of our minds and explore new possibilities.

The Beauty of Mind-Stretching:

Unlike a rubber band that returns to its original state after being stretched, the human mind has infinite capacity for growth and transformation. The more we stretch it, the more resilient and adaptable it becomes. As Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. astutely observed, "A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions."

Understanding the Fear Factor:

Fear of rejection or ridicule often stifles our creative impulses. Yet, overcoming this fear is essential for personal growth and innovation. Each time we confront our fears, we emerge stronger and more resilient, ready to tackle new challenges with confidence.

The Untapped Potential of the Mind:

Reports suggest that we utilize only a fraction of our mind's potential—perhaps 5% or 10%. However, as Einstein noted, it's not about how much of our brain we use, but how much we believe we can use. The key lies in actively engaging our minds and nurturing our creative faculties through regular exercise and exploration.

Exercising the Creative Muscle:

Just as physical exercise builds strength and endurance, mental exercises can enhance our creative capabilities. Here are eight tips to awaken your creativity and stretch your mind to new heights:

1. Fearlessness: Embrace failure as an integral part of the creative process. As Brene Brown wisely said, "There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period." Remember, creativity is a journey of exploration, and setbacks are simply stepping stones to success. Be bold, take risks, and let your creativity flourish without fear of judgment or failure.

2.Disregard Judgment: Don't be deterred by naysayers or critics. Embrace your uniqueness and trust in your ideas, no matter how unconventional they may seem. As Albert Einstein famously said, "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." Embrace the discomfort of dissent and forge ahead with confidence, knowing that greatness lies beyond the realm of conformity.

3.Rule-Breaking: Challenge the status quo by questioning established norms and conventions. Dare to think outside the box and explore new possibilities. As Albert Einstein eloquently put it, "Genius simply cannot be reduced to a set of rules for anyone to follow." Break free from the shackles of tradition and unleash your creative potential by venturing into uncharted territory.

4.Brainstorming: Engage in free-flowing ideation by jotting down thoughts and ideas without censorship. Allow your imagination to run wild and see where it takes you. As Graham Bell once said, "Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to focus." Embrace the chaos of creativity and trust in the power of brainstorming to spark innovative solutions.

5.Harnessing the Subconscious: Tap into your subconscious mind by pondering a problem or idea before bedtime. You may wake up with a fresh perspective or innovative solution. As Kevin Michel aptly stated, "The subconscious mind is aware of the many worlds unfolding in each moment." Embrace the mysterious depths of your subconscious and let it guide you towards creative breakthroughs.

6.Relaxation Techniques: Create a conducive environment for creativity by relaxing your mind with soothing music or a warm beverage. Allow your thoughts to flow freely without constraint. As Paulo Coelho wisely advised, "It's a good idea always to do something relaxing prior to making an important decision in your life." Find solace in relaxation and let your creative juices flow effortlessly.

7.Visual Inspiration: Seek inspiration from visual stimuli such as images or artwork. Let your imagination roam as you connect disparate elements to form new ideas. As Steve Jobs famously said, "Creativity is just connecting things." Embrace the power of visual association and let it fuel your creative endeavors.

8.Non-Judgmental Exploration: Explore unconventional concepts without self-criticism or judgment. Allow yourself the freedom to explore new avenues of thought without constraints. As Albert Einstein aptly stated, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Embrace the boundless realm of imagination and let it guide you towards innovative solutions.

Practical Exercises:

To cultivate creativity, try the following exercises:

  • Sketching your daily goals or aspirations.
  • Recreating a memorable place through drawing.
  • Visualizing and drawing the inner workings of an object.
  • Creating imaginative scenarios, such as oversized fruit or unconventional fashion.
  • Experimenting with hybrid concepts, like a tank-wheeled car with four doors.

Elevate Your Creativity:

Don't wait for inspiration to strike—actively seek it out and nurture it. Just as physical fitness requires regular exercise, so too does mental agility. Stretch your mind like a rubber band, and watch as it expands to encompass new possibilities and insights.

Execution is Key:

Remember, creativity without action is merely a dream. Once you've generated innovative ideas, take proactive steps to bring them to fruition. Seek support from professionals or collaborators who can help turn your vision into reality.


As we conclude this journey of exploration and discovery, I invite you to embrace the challenge of creativity with open arms. Let us stretch our minds, ignite our imaginations, and unlock the boundless potential that lies within each of us.

Thank you for joining me on this creative odyssey. Your feedback and insights are invaluable—please share your thoughts in the comments below. And if you found this article inspiring, don't hesitate to spread the word and share it with others. Together, let's embark on a journey of limitless creativity and innovation.


AI. Creativity. Leadership. Business, Agency, Coaching.

Deepak Dhiman is a passionate creativity and leadership coach with over 18 years of experience running a successful creative agency in Dubai. Having assisted hundreds of clients in elevating their brands and generating over 10,000 innovative ideas, he is now eager to share his invaluable secrets and insights with a broader audience.


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